Hi, I’m Aizaz Ali, a Data Scientist with expertise in applied machine learning & deep learning.

Areas of interest:

  • Existing solutions of Deep Learning in Reinforcement Learning
  • International roaming fraud detection
  • Autonomous workflow management
  • Proactive incident management to reduce alarm fatigue
  • A sustainable economic system of Interest free credit for SMEs

07845 414 241



MicroMasters: Statistics and Data Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Masters in Computer Science

ILMA Univerity of Business and Technology

Bachelors in Commerce

University of Karachi

Tools and Technologies

  • RStudio
  • R libraries- ggplot2, tidyverse, lubridate, keras, tensorflow
  • R-keras
  • Power BI
  • Visual Studio
  • github
  • Excel
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • python libraries: numpy, pandas, scikitlearn, matplotlib, keras, pytorch, tensorflow
  • Azure Machine Learning Studio
  • AWS SageMaker
  • IBM Power AI


Microsoft Professional Program in Data Sciences (Python)

  1. Introduction to Data Science
  2. Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI
  3. Analytics Storytelling for Impact
  4. Ethics and Law in Data and Analytics
  5. Querying Data with Transact-SQL
  6. Introduction to Python for Data Science
  7. Essential Math for Machine Learning: Python Edition
  8. Data Science Research Methods: Python Edition
  9. Principles of Machine Learning: Python Edition
  10. Developing Big Data Solutions with Azure Machine Learning
  11. Capstone Project
  12. Reinforcement Learning Explained

Harvardx: Professional Certificate in Data Sciences (R)

  1. Data Science: R Basics
  2. Data Science: Visualization
  3. Data Science: Probability
  4. Data Science: Inference and Modeling
  5. Data Science: Productivity Tools
  6. Data Science: Wrangling
  7. Data Science: Linear Regression
  8. Data Science: Machine Learning

IBM: Professional Certificate in Deep Learning (Python)

  1. Python Basics for Data Science
  2. Visualizing Data with Python
  3. Analyzing Data with Python
  4. Machine Learning with Python
  5. Deep Learning with Python and PyTorch
  6. Using GPUs to Scale and Speed-up Deep Learning
  7. Deep Learning Fundamentals with Keras
  8. Deep Learning with Tensorflow

TU Delft: Quantum Computing

The quantum internet and quantum computing: How will they change the world?

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Let’s Talk

“The world that we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our way of thinking.” ~ Einstein